Replacing candy with better-for-you snacks
Healthy Options Headed for Local School Vending Machines Fat-free and soy yogurts, granola bars, fruit...
Healthy Cook: 5 school lunch ideas to satisfy kids’ hunger
School lunches have come a long way since I was a boy.If you didn’t go...
PCMA Letter: One of the hottest months in Florida
Besides the fact that school starts up this month, August is also notoriously known as...
Pop Quiz: Finding your child’s fitness level
Do you know activity level your child should be at and what are the best...
Beware of ACA scams
As of October 1 until March 31, 2014, uninsured residents will be able to...
5 reasons your child should see a pediatric dentist before school starts
At the start of a new school year, it’s common practice for parents to schedule...
Signs and Symptoms: Helping a child with ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a health condition that can disrupt behavior and impair...
A changing magazines for a constantly changing field
If you’re turning through the pages of Central Florida Doctor, and you’re thinking that...
Q & A: The “booming” health market
As more baby boomers reach age 65 and beyond, Dr. Manuel Jain talks about the...
Dr. Glen Barden: The work these hands have done
Last January, Polk County Medical Association member Dr. Glen Barden spent the month on...
Not just an adult disease
Find out if your child could be one of 294,000 children who suffer from juvenile arthritis...
War on Medicare fraud intensifies
Recovering Funds, Preventing Fraudulent Activity, and Exercising Compliance The federal government has revved up its...
Shhh! Quiet times encouraging patients to rest and sleep
We live hectic lives filled with noise from audible alarms, phones, cars, planes, barking dogs...
Foundation holds car raffle for the betterment of local health
The Chance to Win a New Car while Supporting the Efforts of the Polk...
Medical consolidations on the horizon and other community news
Clark & Daughtrey Medical Group will be part of Lakeland Regional Medical Systems as...
In my opinion: Doctors talk about patient noncompliance
In your opinion, what are the most common reasons when patients do not adhere to...
The ‘Get Covered America’ initiative kicks off in Tampa
In order to help raise public awareness about the new health insurance benefits and healthcare...
A reminder from Plato
“The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for...
Let’s get physical
POP QUIZ: How Physically Active Are You? The statistics show the truth— Americans aren’t getting...
Publisher’s Note: The Central Florida Health News reader survey and what it told us about you
Earlier this year a third party reader survey was conducted by the Verified Audit Bureau...