Body, Mind, & Spirit

Out of the Heart, the Mouth Speaks

by JENNIFER GOODSON, LMHC, MA Today, I was teaching my college students about the psychodynamic...

A RESET Is Key for a New Year, New You

R.E.S.E.T. — Recognize, Expose, Surrender, Encourage, Timing One of the most powerful—often overlooked—ways to transform...

Set Workplace Boundaries for the Holiday Season

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC Maintaining workplace boundaries during the holiday season is possible, but...

Hearing the Heartbeat of Florida: A Letter to Our Community

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC These last several weeks have been an excess of emotions...

Please and Thank you 

by JENNIFER GOODSON, LMHC, MA Do you find you always say “yes” to others but...

How We Speak to Our Children Matters

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC We have all experienced it and may have even done...

Don’t Quit in the Pit

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC In times of the deep pit dwelling, it is hard...

Why Wait for Change When You Can Be the Change?

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC It is the middle of the year. We are six...

The Power of Rejection

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC We all have felt rejection at some point in our...

Trauma Does Not Discriminate

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC “We must stay busy – let’s not slow down or...

Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Caring for Aging Parents

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC As our parents grow older, it is natural for our...

Endurance the Key ~ Contentment the Balancing Anchor

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC Go with me on a journey The air was...

The Heart of Communication

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC Communication is a beautiful experience when we are in tune...

Opting Out of New Year’s Resolutions

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC My youngest daughter has asked each family member about their...

Emotional Well-Being Created in Routine

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC Emotional well-being is essential, and we can maintain a balance...

Internal Intention Produces External Reward

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC Every day, we hear our medical doctors, therapists, friends, and...

The Power of Forgiveness

How often have we allowed the toss of a relationship to be so minimal in...

Grounding Tips for Back-to-School Anxiety

by Jennifer Goodson, MA, LMHC The new school year brings back routines for the next...

Healthy Boundaries Improve Our Mental Health

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC What are boundaries, and how can they improve our mental...

Embrace the Process

by JENNIFER GOODSON, MA, LMHC “Do not despise small beginnings,” said the older woman in...

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