Endurance the Key ~ Contentment the Balancing Anchor


Go with me on a journey …

The air was dark and damp, and perspiration slipped from my brow as I found myself in a dark room without an exit and freezing temperatures. Contrary to these conditions, my body was burning … my heart was racing. Fear was present; its dominance echoed within the walls as the realization of no escape was apparent.

The room then morphed into a road where I found myself running alongside an old-time film strip casting images of all that had transpired in my life over the past 20 or so years. My running pace was steady, and my heart rate was calm. I felt strong. Endurance was key to staying focused.

Every few miles brought about another season of my life, and another memorial stone was placed. Memories of life, death, and the in-between. Memories of pushing, stretching, pulling, standing still, and waiting. Memories of finally trusting, waiting, healing, and new beginnings.
My running pace neither slowed nor sped up, keeping time with the visuals before my eyes. Even when memories passed, my heart rate would remain steady. As tears streamed down my cheeks upon remembering specific details, my pace continued unwavering.

As the images blurred out to nothing but black and white, I found myself on a long, unending road. My running shoes were well-worn, but I was content. It was raining and cold, but I was content. I could see the sunrise coming up in front of me. I was running toward the sun.

I awoke with a wave of peace within my heart and a knowing that endurance would be the key that would carry me for the season ahead.

For those who are looking for hope, peace, and understanding, I would like to encourage you by saying ~

Endurance is trusting and being content with the process.

The above imagery was a dream I experienced many years ago in a season of transition. Transition that would take only endurance to make it through. The contentment of knowing as long as I continued to move forward, the reward was soon to come.

We are entering a new month, and many of the “goals” we placed on ourselves for the new year may seem daunting. Discouragement may exist because we feel like we’ve already “failed” and are only two months into the new year.

When LIFE happens, our pace either slows down or comes to a halt. LIFE doesn’t care, and LIFE doesn’t stop to wait for us to catch up. It keeps trucking along as we continue on this never-ending track.

Endurance the key ~ Contentment the balancing anchor

Contentment is not saying you are comfortable. Nor is it saying you are at a place of final destination. Contentment is not a place to hang your hat and take up residence. Contentment is being okay with the “here and now.” Accepting the present, having an expectation of things to come, embracing the balance of knowing we’ve been here before, in this place of questioning and discouragement, but not giving in, and we keep moving.

Be encouraged to trust the process. Lean into the strength you’ve built from years before. There is a purpose behind every experience. Pull from it and allow it to fuel the journey ahead.

Circumstances will always change, but our mindset to continue the race brings a level of contentment that endurance carries.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jennifer Goodson, MA, LMHC, is a licensed mental health counselor with an office in Winter Haven, FL. She holds a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. For more information, visit www.pathwaycounselingservice.com.

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