Publisher’s Note

Save the Date and the Early Bird Gets the Discount!

Even though we’re just now getting ready for school to start up again, we all...

Healthcare Funding Strong in DeSantis’ Budget

While our state legislators work hard to lobby for the needs of their constituents, the...

The Other Silent Killer

It can be easy to forget some of the lesser known dangers when it comes...

More Than a Nurse

Growing up with a nurse for a mom, the importance of the role she and...

Nurses Needed, STAT

Concerns over nursing shortages are nothing new. In fact, shortages have been a recurring dilemma...

All Creatures Great & Small

The Pets & Your Health edition of Central Florida Health News is by far one...

The Heart of a Community

If you’ve spent any time in Winter Haven, you likely know — or know of...

Benefitting From the Boom

Earlier this year, Polk County was named the fastest growing county in Florida, and the...

Good Health Is a Shared Responsibility

This is the time of year when we give thanks for our health and begin...

Don’t Miss Out on the 2024 Central Florida Physicians Directory

When this time of year rolls around, most people are thinking about Thanksgiving and the...

We’re Switching Into Expo Mode

Can you believe it’s almost the holiday season again? This year seems to have flown...

Harnessing Early Interests

At Central Florida Health News, we work hard to take the top health headlines and...

Tight Times for Health Care

The healthcare industry has always faced challenges, but the current staffing shortage is certainly one...

Celebrating 12 Years

At Central Florida Health News, we believe it’s important to take the time to pause...

Staying On Top of Change

As many of our readers know, Central Florida Health News has been embedded in the...

Health Is a Responsibility for Everyone

We often talk about the importance of advocating for yourself as a patient, but that...

A Call to Action: Help Us Celebrate Nurses

If you’ve been following the news at any point in the past 10 years or...

Barks and Blessings

This is one of my favorite editions of Central Florida Health News. After all, I’m...

You Snooze, You… Don’t Lose

Our country has been honoring American Heart Month in February since President Lyndon Johnson made...

A Look Back Before Moving Ahead

Whew, 2023! Each January, I find myself saying the same thing: I can’t believe it’s...

A Good Year

This is the time of year when we start measuring, reflecting, and preparing for the...

Help Is a Phone Call Away

Chances are good that if you’re a resident of Florida, you or someone you know...

A Message From Mom

A Message From Mom In our annual Breast Cancer Awareness edition, we let the heroes...

In Honor of the Good Guys

Sometimes the smallest, seemingly most mundane details of a story are what stick with you...

Make Time for Mental Health

Mental health seems to be the latest buzzword, especially since the pandemic. Thankfully, the increased...

If I knew then what I know now

When I was a kid, my family and I would drive up to the Florida...

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