Pop Quiz: Is your child at risk for cyberbullying?

Quiz your knowledge so you can recognize the warning signs and help prevent the worst from happening

A mean text message… a social media profile filled with vicious rumors… an embarrassing photo posted online and shared throughout the school… These are just a few ways in which a child or teen can be cyberbullied. Cyberbullying is bullying that occurs through electronic means such as the Internet and cell phones, and it’s a dangerous threat to the well-being of our young people. Several high-profile teenage suicides have been linked to cyberbullying, showing that the situation warrants adult attention and intervention as much as bullying that occurs in person. Take our quiz to recognize the signs of cyberbullying and learn how to prevent it.

1) True or False: Kids who are the victims of cyberbullying are often bullied in person as well.


2) What are signs at school that could indicate a child is being cyberbullied?

  1. The child doesn’t want to go to school
  2. There is a sudden drop in grades
  3. The child gets into trouble at school
  4. He or she loses interest in school or starts skipping school
  5. All of the Above

3) True or False: The biggest warning sign that a child is being cyberbullied is a withdrawal from technology such as smartphones, computers, and tablets.


4) Why won’t teens and children report cyberbullying on their own?

  1. They won’t report it if it doesn’t bother them that much
  2. They are too ashamed or embarrassed to admit they are being cyberbullied
  3. They aren’t aware it is happening because they aren’t online
  4. All the kids are doing it these days

5) What are emotional signals that a child is being cyberbullied?

  1. Withdrawal that can span from shyness to depression
  2. Exhibiting aggressive behavior
  3. Appearing anxious or extremely stressed
  4. Appearing moody or troubled
  5. All of the Above

6) What are social signs of cyberbullying?

  1. Sudden changes in eating or sleeping habits
  2. Withdrawing from activities the child once enjoyed
  3. Hurting self, attempts or mentions suicide
  4. A sudden change in friends
  5. All of the Above

7) Why is cyberbullying so damaging? (Circle all that apply)

  1. It can be done anonymously
  2. It scars the victim from using electronic devices for years after the cyberbullying takes place
  3. It’s very hard to delete a negative comment or embarrassing photo once it’s posted
  4. The bullied child or teen can’t escape it when he or she goes home

8) True or False: Most schools don’t care what their students are posting online, and have no policies in place to address bullying that takes place on the Internet.


9) How can a parent protect their child from being cyberbullied?

  1. Monitor what kids do online and on cell phones
  2. Use parental control filtering software or monitoring programs
  3. Discuss cyberbullying and encourage kids to communicate about it
  4. Review children’s social media profiles regularly, or ask another trusted adult to do so
  5. All of the Above

10) What are ways a parent can discourage their own children from being cyberbullies? (Circle all that apply)

  1. Establish rules and expectations about acceptable and unacceptable use of technology, including cyberbullying
  2. Help kids to be smart online in what they post, in both pictures and words
  3. Monitor kids’ online behavior to detect any inappropriate behavior
  4. None; kids and teens are going through phases that are just a normal part of growing up

Resources: Facts and information found in this pop quiz was provided by the National Crime Prevention Council, and stopbullying.gov.


Answer 1: True. According to stopbullying.gov, victims of cyberbullying are usually bullied in other ways as well.

Answer 2: E) All of the Above. Children and teens who are being cyberbullied will withdraw from school, just as with in-person bullying.

Answer 3: True. The NCPC maintains that sudden changes in the use of technology by kids or teens, such as withdrawing from computer and cell phone use, is the biggest red flag indicating cyberbullying.

Answer 4:  B) As with in-person bullying, young people have a hard time admitting to adults there is a problem.

Answer 5: E) All of the Above. Children and teens can also withdraw emotionally due to cyberbullying.

Answer 6: E) All of the Above. Cyberbullying can contribute to depression, withdrawing from social activities, and suicidal thoughts or attempts.

Answer 7: A), C) and D). Cyberbullying can seem like it’s everywhere; the victim can’t escape it once out of school or even figure out how to stop it, which is why making sure your child knows that help is available is essential to preventing its damaging effects.

Answer 8: False. Most schools have policies in place concerning cyberbullying in and out of school, making schools a great resource for kids and parents looking for solutions about cyberbullying.

Answer 9: E) All of the Above. Parents and adults really need to be aware of what kids are doing and saying online, as well as having open discussions about cyberbullying.

Answer 10: A), B) and C). Adults need to educate and monitor online behavior to stop cyberbullying behaviors in kids and teens, as well as to protect victims.




Additional Reading:  Cyberbullying and Substance Abuse by Walter Keenan, Ph.D.
& David Cohen, M.D

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