Signs & Symptoms: Practicing safety & preventing the little known CMV Virus
The Varicella-Zoster Virus causes chicken pox and the painful rash, shingles. The Epstein-Barr Virus...
Common ground found regarding the 1099 rule
It is very seldom that the two political parties of our country join together...
Take these two pills of commentary and call me in the morning
You Spoke, We Listened In our last online poll at, we asked what...
Signs & symptoms: When your skin needs medical attention
As a surgeon who often treats and cares for patients whose ailments of the...
Body, mind & spirit: Integrating primary and behavioral care
When you go to the doctor complaining of stomach pain, you probably don’t expect...
Mediterranean diet for cardiovascular health
Dr. Sean P. O’Rourke is a board-certified cardiologist at Watson Clinic. With a subspecialty...
Medical advice: 8 simple tips to sounder sleep
Sure, there’s plenty to worry about these days: The economy, job security and family...
Publisher’s Note: Looking ahead for health
Let me be the first to welcome you to the inaugural edition of Central Florida...
Healthy Cook: A better for you Easter with egg-citing meals
For many families, a favorite spring pastime is coloring and decorating hard-cooked eggs to...
Signs and Symptoms: Telltale signs of an alcohol problem
The argument escalates into a full-blown fight . . . when you or a...
Editor’s Dose: Getting your feet wet
When it comes to the Internet pool, it’s not always easy to just jump...
Associate Publisher’s Column: The business of health and you
I’d like to join our Publisher and Polk County Medical Association (PCMA) President in...