Take these two pills of commentary and call me in the morning


You Spoke, We Listened

In our last online poll at www.CentralFloridaHealthNews.com, we asked what you wanted to read about most for your health. The top answer was no surprise to me: Disease Prevention. As a person who cares about your health and that of your children’s, you don’t just want to know how to treat an ailment if it arises. If at all possible, you want to know how to prevent a breakdown of your health (and your family’s). So, we listened and we’ve prepared a couple of interesting pieces on protecting yourself from skin cancer (on page 12) and caring for your bones now (on page 22) to avoid osteoporosis later.


Blowing Smoke

Am I alone in being completely grossed out by some of the anti-smoking promotional spots? Admittedly, I understand that the messages are meant to shock a smoker into considering the damage that’s being done to his or her body, and as a non-smoker, I really hope it’s working. But I can’t help but wonder if these commercials are just “preaching to the choir” of those who are already keenly aware of the long-term consequences. For the family feature this issue, we are definitely “preaching to the choir,” but in a way you may find much more helpful. On page 28, the issue of how parents can guide their children about healthy living and staying away from harmful habits like smoking is addressed.


I encourage you to share your thoughts on these topics or anything else your read in this magazine. Whether you’d like to add something to what you’ve read or make another topic suggestion, feel free to share with me by e-mailing or writing in.


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