Presidents Column

PCMA Letter: Helping you do more than just live longer

As part of our continued efforts to raise awareness on important health topics in the...

Healthy Cook: Culinary tips for the caregiver turned chef

There is no denying that our taste buds age with the rest of us.  They...

Word of Mouth: Myths about implants debunked, part II: Are they effective?

Working like your own teeth, dental implants are imbedded in your jaw bone; they offer...

Pop Quiz: How to alleviate mobility issues

Test your knowledge of mobility precautions to help keep your senior loved one active and...

Long-term health: Considering your BMI

The importance of discussing your Body Mass Index with your physician Since 2003, Polk Vision...

Aging gracefully

What will your health look like in 40 years? Medical science has made inroads against...

Ask a Nurse: Alzheimer’s is Type 3 Diabetes!

In 1906, a German neuropathologist Dr. Alois Alzheimer first identified what is now considered Alzheimer’s...

Publisher’s Note: Update on Florida Health Choices

In early March, became live.  It is the website devoted to Florida Health Choices...

Medical Advice: Awareness is key to stopping upward trend of STDs

Every year in April, we observe STD Awareness Month.  This is an opportunity for individuals...

Q&A on the most lethal form of dementia

Dr. Gordon J. Rafool shares the symptoms and treatment options of Alzheimer’s disease Alzheimer’s disease...

Medical Memoirs: Dr. Brian Patrick on a life of serving others as a family practitioner

Dr. Brian Patrick, a recently relocated family practice physician and a Polk County Medical Association...

Local professionals talk Affordable Care

In your opinion, how has the Affordable Care Act (ACA) affected the inner-workings of your...

Submitting your news, events, and research Findings

Recently, I’ve received quite a few inquiries from local practices on how to submit their...

Deadline for buying insurance under the Affordable Care Act is approaching

It’s March, and the deadline to enroll in health insurance plans under the Affordable Care...

Staying plugged in

On February 27, we held a very informative seminar for our members and local industry...

Community update on influenza

Awareness should continue as the 2013-14 season winds down On February 20, 2014, we celebrated...

A new in-office solution for trigger finger

Lakeland hand surgeon’s invention contributes to lower healthcare costs Improving care and saving money always...

On the Pulse: New Locations, Positions, Credentials, and More

Winter Haven Hospital (WHH) has once again earned the coveted Magnet® designation from the American...

Ask a Nurse: Dental plaque & arterial plaque

Have you ever wondered what the dentist scrapes off of your teeth when you go...

Pop Quiz: Establishing a solid oral care foundation

Will your child have a future Filled with healthy smiles? Teeth add to your smile...

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