Publisher’s Note: Accidents, Emergencies, and Illnesses Happen Every Day

In this edition of Central Florida Health News magazine, we wanted to put the spotlight on the people who care for medical emergencies. In the five stories you’re about to read, you’ll get a sense of what it’s like to work in an ER department, and the kind of skills that are needed to do a good job day-in and day-out. These folks not only have to handle the health and trauma cases that come through the ER Department daily, but they also have to be prepared for the “what-ifs” and “worst case scenarios” of viral diseases like Enterovirus D68 and Ebola. Certainly, they are on the front lines of helping save lives, and accordingly, their stories are worth the read.

With the busy holiday season just around the corner, it’s a good time to make sure you and your loved ones know what to do in the event of an emergency. If you have kids in school or teens in the family, have you talked with them about the protocol? Do they know the shortest route to your local ER? My teenager recently got his driver’s license, and besides reviewing the rules of the road, we also talked about where to go in the event of an emergency.

Unfortunately, accidents, emergencies, and illnesses happen every day, regardless of how busy we are. You can’t schedule the flu, and you can’t miss too much work if your child has a fever. The flu shot is available at many local clinics and at the Florida Department of Health in Polk County, so take what steps you can now to keep you and your family as safe and healthy as possible throughout the holidays and flu season.

You click here to find an immunization clinic near you.

Nelson Kirkland

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