Presidents Column

Getting motivated to move

Local ways to have fun in the sun and get fit Polk County area residents...

Healthy Cook: The truth about ‘negative calorie’ foods

Some things just sound too good to be true. You lose more calories eating a...

Just say NO to lazy days of summer

The benefits of keeping kids active and fit while school is out Although they’re called...

Ask a Nurse: Popping pain pills?

Americans make up ~4.6 percent of the world’s population, yet have been consuming 80 percent...

PCMA Letter: Don’t let an active lifestyle be a chore this summer

It’s fairly common amongst the general population to want to live a long, healthy, and...

Bok Tower’s ‘Pink Day’ shines a light on breast cancer research

Did you know one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their...

Pop Quiz: Are you setting realistic fitness goals?

Nine questions to help you get on your way to success Diets, exercise, gym memberships...

Publisher’s Note: Some of the healthcare legislation recently passed

Like any other year, the 2014 Florida Legislative Session saw a lot of action for...

Ask a Nurse: Andropause → Male Menopause

Yes guys, you too have hormones and will eventually go through “the change” unless you...

Word of Mouth: Myths About Implants Debunked, Part III: Are they Affordable?

In my last two columns (part 1 | part 2), we debunked some common myths...

Meet the father of Family Fun and Fitness at the Fountain

Nat West: A man with plans for a better tomorrow A statue of a little...

What you should know about lesser-known cancers

Understanding the signs and symptoms for males of all ages Although breast cancer is usually...

PCMA Letter: Men’s health reminders and your save-the-date

Every June, Men’s Health Month is celebrated across the country with screenings, health fairs, educational...

Does having a sense of purpose help you live longer?

Published in the journal Psychological Science, the research from Patrick Hill of Carleton University in...

Q&A: Facts vs. fiction of male ‘menopause’

Dr. Allan Alberton provides medical insight for men and what to expect during their change...

Healthy Cook: Real men CAN eat quiche

Real men shouldn’t eat quiche! Quiche has eggs, bacon, and cheese in the filling and...

Editor’s Dose: Take a little personal time

As moms, we often find ourselves putting our needs on the backburner in order to...

Pop Quiz: Knowing your heart disease and stroke risk

Are you controlling those health factors within reach? For men, heart disease and stroke together...

Bonus Q&A: Facts vs. fiction of male ‘menopause’

These bonus questions are part of a Q&A featured in the June 2014 edition of...

A little fun for a worthy cause

It’s already May, which means summer is just around the corner. While fun in the...

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