Health News


  • Keeping Her Heart in the Game

    Keeping Her Heart in the Game

    Lake Wales Woman Works to Overcome Heart Disease

  • Where Soul Meets Body

    Where Soul Meets Body

    Yoga Can Increase Well-Being Through Meditation, Exercise, Spirituality By PAUL CATALA With roots dating as far back as 5,000 B.C. in India when the spiritual and ascetic discipline was first practiced, countless people have used yoga for health, relaxation and spiritual reasons. The trend continues today as folks continue to turn to the Hindu tradition…

  • Pop Quiz! Celebrating Cervical Cancer Awareness Month With the Facts

    Pop Quiz! Celebrating Cervical Cancer Awareness Month With the Facts

    Do you know what type of cancer used to be the leading cause of cancer death for women? The answer is cervical cancer. Thankfully, an increase in awareness and testing has led to a dramatic reduction in deaths from cervical cancer, but it is still a big enough threat that every woman should know how…


  • Publisher’s Note: open enrollment ends February 15

    Publisher’s Note: open enrollment ends February 15

    If you do not have health insurance, and you’re not sure how to get it, you need to make it a priority to look at your options on — the website that offers healthcare insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The open enrollment period is happening now, but it closes on February 15.…

  • Editor’s Dose: Accountability is another ally with weight-loss goal

    Editor’s Dose: Accountability is another ally with weight-loss goal

    In this edition of Central Florida Health News, we talk about how your new year’s resolution to lose weight can benefit from having medical supervision … but why? My answer for you is very simple: Because we all need to be held accountable.

  • Healthy Cook: Busting resolution diet myths

    Healthy Cook: Busting resolution diet myths

    IN THE NEW YEAR I will … In the new year I won’t … Sound familiar? It’s the new year’s resolution. We make ’em. We break ’em. And we feel guilty about it.

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