Health News


  • 3 dangers of tooth loss and poor fitting dentures

    Danger #1: Dentures increase your risk of heart disease and oral cancer While tooth loss may seem like a small problem compared with other health issues, it is often the first sign of bigger problems for many people and can put them at higher risk for heart disease and oral cancer. When dentures don’t properly…

  • Kicking the soda habit, kid style

    Help your children consume better beverages When a soda can is an appendage to a child’s hand and the water faucet is squeaky from disuse, parents should probably start enforcing a break in the soft-drink habit. Today, they’ve got lots of support. Sugar-sweetened beverages are among the foods to consume less of in the 2010…

  • Fitness tips for pregnant women

    Fitness tips for pregnant women

    Expert advice about why moms-to-be want to keep moving and the best ways to do it risk-free After seeing a positive sign on a pregnancy test, some women might begin planning repeated dates with Ben & Jerry’s spent lounging in bed. Sure, getting plenty of rest is important when expecting, but does a new pregnancy…


  • Staying positive amidst the great balancing act of life

      High gas and food prices, a struggling economy, real estate woes -– it’s pretty easy to get all revved up on stress in today’s unstable world, only to feel like you’re just spinning your wheels. Sure, anxiety and skepticism are an understandable response, but they don’t do much to remedy the situation. Instead, staying…

  • Is there a polite way to avoid someone who’s sick?

    Is there a polite way to avoid someone who’s sick?

      Only a few weeks before Christmas, my family and I had been battling the seasonal cold that spread like wildfire around the community. Out of nowhere it seemed like everyone in the neighborhood had the same virus. There’s no doubt that with this season comes the inevitability of catching a cold or two, but…

  • Get Healthy, STAT! Fifteen to life

     15 The minutes of daily exercise that could reduce risk of death in inactive people by 14 percent. Source: Study of 400,000 people, National Research Institutes of Taiwan   “Physical activity and exercise has shown to prevent occurrences of cardiac events, strokes, and many chronic diseases.  It is never too late to become active as…

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