Publisher’s Note: A quick look at the past and present


Well, another month has come and gone and I can’t believe it’s already June! It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating the New Year with Dr. Sergio Seoane of the Polk County Medical Association on our cover, and here we are, halfway through the year and looking ahead to our summer kick-off edition.

We’ve had some great stories along the way, such as “How to Avoid a Date Night with Heart Disease” from our February 2012 edition, and “Mommy in Motion” from our last edition. But what’s an engaging story without excellent photography to go along with it?

In addition to our covers, the photos you see here of Dr. Jorge Gonzalez with the PCMA and Susan Kistler with the Polk County Health Department were both taken by the local photographer, Richard Pezzimenti, who’s been serving our community with his incredible talents for more than 20 years.

I’d like to thank Dr. Robert and Beth Merritt and their children – name, name, and name – for being our models on this edition’s cover. Dr. Merritt is a Polk County Medical Association member who’s been serving patients through Barranco Clinic for more than X years. Dr. Merritt, however, is not all work and no play. Like all families, the Merritts enjoy good old-fashioned quality time through recreation, outdoor activities, and annual vacations, which is what our cover story is about on page 19.

Another member of the PCMA, Dr. Shani-Kay Chambers, has authored a vital article on page 10 about practicing safety around different bodies of water. This is especially relevant to us, since we have so many water recreation options.

Make sure you read these articles before you hit the beach (or any recreation destination), and thanks for reading Central Florida Health News.



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