Health News


  • Pop Quiz:  Facts and Stats about Immunizations

    Pop Quiz: Facts and Stats about Immunizations

    by ERIKA ALDRICH August is National Immunization Awareness Month, and it’s a good time to explore the topic of immunizations around the globe. The efforts to immunize people against debilitating and life-threatening diseases is a global initiative that we are all a part of. Test your knowledge of facts and statistics about immunizations by taking…

  • Tips to Prepare for the New School Year

    Tips to Prepare for the New School Year

    by Mary Toothman It’s that time of year again: School supply aisles will be flooded with parents and children, clutching lists of what is required. First-day-of-school outfits will be carefully selected by many students. Late-morning sleep-ins will be replaced by early wake-up calls. Back to school means many things to parents and students — some…

  • Beating the Odds: Asher Camp Battles a Spinal Disease while his Mother Advocates for Others who are Suffering

    Beating the Odds: Asher Camp Battles a Spinal Disease while his Mother Advocates for Others who are Suffering

    When Asher Camp was born five years ago, life was good for his parents, Amanda and Jeremy Camp, and their two girls. They welcomed their new son and watched him grow and progress. But when he hit six months, his parents began to realize he wasn’t progressing as their daughters did. Concerned, they sought medical…


  • Medical Advice: Your flu prevention to-do list

    Medical Advice: Your flu prevention to-do list

    AS YOU GATHER your “to-do” lists and prepare for the holiday season ahead, the Florida Department of Health in Polk County recommends you add one more important step — get a flu shot! The flu shot is the best way to protect our families and communities against the spread of influenza. When you make it…

  • Family Health: Flu shots for seniors

    Family Health: Flu shots for seniors

    HE FLU is nothing to sneeze at. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 200,000 people will be hospitalized this year with the influenza virus, and it has been estimated that 50 to 70 percent of those hospitalized are people age 65 and older.

  • Word of Mouth: Your dentist is key to early cancer detection

    Word of Mouth: Your dentist is key to early cancer detection

    IT SEEMS LIKE you hear about many different kinds of cancers these days, but one that isn’t being talked about enough is oral cancer. Cancer in the mouth and throat are diagnosed in nearly 50,000 Americans a year, and statistics show that only 57 percent of those diagnosed still will be living in five years.

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