Facts and Statistics About Arthritis

Florida may not be locked into a deep freeze during the winter months like the majority of the other U.S. states, but The Sunshine State can still experience cold temperatures during the winter months. Those periodic days of cold and freezing weather can spell pain and agony for those suffering from arthritis. Arthritis is an affliction that is much more common than people realize. Take our quiz to test your knowledge of the condition and find out how to help ease pain and discomfort from arthritis when the thermometer dips into the colder temperatures.
Arthritis is defined by which of the following?
Pain in more than one part of your body
More than 100 diseases and conditions that affect joints, the tissues that surround the joint, and other connective tissue
Painful joints in the morning
Soreness after working out or a hard day at work
True or False? Arthritis is the leading cause of disability among adults in the U.S.
Conservative estimates maintain there are how many adults in the U.S. suffering from doctor-diagnosed arthritis?
14 million
21 million
37 million
54 million
Which of the below groups are more likely to develop arthritis? (Circle all that apply)
Those over the age of
Those who are obese
Those who are older
All of the Above
True or False? Arthritis has a great economic impact. Arthritis and other non-traumatic joint disorders are among the five most costly conditions among adults 18 and older.
Which chronic condition is NOT linked with arthritis?
Heart disease
Crohn’s Disease
None of the Above
Which of the following can make arthritis pain worse?
Lack of exercise and movement
Cold weather
A change in barometric pressure
All of the Above
True or False? Regular exercise—any regular movement really—can help alleviate pain caused by arthritis.
Experts recommend which of the following to combat arthritis pain caused by cold weather? (Choose all that apply)
Bundling up when going out in cold weather
Having a plan to exercise indoors
Drinking more alcohol
All of the Above
Which of the following are indoor activities that can help alleviate the pain of arthritis?
Yoga and Pilates
Aerobic exercise
Walking and dancing
All of the Above
Additional ways to alleviate pain from arthritis besides medication and exercise include which of the following? (Choose all that apply)
Hot or cold therapy, such as a hot bath or a cold compress
Topical medication
Stimulation by a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machine
Steroid or Hyaluronic acid injections
All of the Above
Information provided by Arthritis.org, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and ArthritisWA.org.AU
B. More than 100 diseases and conditions that affect joints, the tissues that surround the joint, and other connective tissue. There are many different forms of arthritis.
True. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability among adults in the U.S.
D. 54 million. Estimates say there will be 78 million arthritis sufferers by the year 2040.
E. All of the Above. Arthritis rates increase if you are a woman, as you age, and if you are overweight.
True. Arthritis is among the five most costly conditions among adults over the age of 18 and older.
C. Crohn’s Disease. Heart disease, diabetes, and obesity are comorbidities with arthritis, meaning they are often commonly found in arthritis sufferers.
E. All of the Above. Weather created by a change in barometric pressure—such as rain, severe storms and cold weather—can increase arthritis pain; as well as a lack of regular exercise.
True. Regular exercise, such as walking, swimming, and stretching, are all recommended daily to help control arthritis pain.
A and B. Staying warm and getting regular exercise are key to fighting arthritis pain caused by changes in barometric pressure.
E. All of the Above. Any activity that gets you moving is a good way to combat the pain caused by arthritis.
E. All of the Above. There are many treatments for arthritis beyond medication and exercise. Visit Arthritis.org for more recommendations.

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