
Family Health: Three reasons to visit urgent care

YOUR HEALTH is your most valuable commodity. Although medical problems are inevitable, you can control...

Healthy Smiles: Dental implants — a smile makeover solution

BEFORE THE DEVELOPMENT of dental implants, removable partial dentures or fixed bridges were the only...

Senior Living: Understanding the difference

INDEPENDENT SENIOR LIVING ALSO KNOWN as retirement communities, independent senior living communities are designed for...

Editor’s Dose: Four things to help you reduce anxiety

BETWEEN WORK AND FAMILY, I think you’ll agree when I say it’s easy to feel...

Medical Advice: The keys to unlocking a healthy mouth

FEBRUARY IS NATIONAL DENTAL HEALTH MONTH and a great time to remind individuals about the...

Publisher’s Note: The busy person’s baby steps along the path to better heart health

WE’VE ALL HEARD about the seven things you can do to keep healthy and prevent...

Healthy Cook: Fooling the senses for feeling full after a meal

WE EAT FIRST with our eyes, then aroma comes into play. Our brain says if...

Healthy Smiles: Diabetes and your oral health

PEOPLE WITH DIABETES tend to have more serious cases of oral disease, which can trigger...

Medical Advice: Keep vaccines between you and disease

“A NEW YEAR, NEW YOU” is the motto for many as they make their New...

Healthy Skin: Give your body a gift after the holidays — inside and out

IT’S THAT TIME of year again. Huge dinners and parties with family and co-workers, and...

Word of Mouth: Resolve to have better teeth this year

’TIS THE SEASON for resolutions, and the most common resolutions that people make is for...

The Heart of the Matter: A heart-to-heart talk about genuine resolutions

WE’VE ALL been guilty of it at least once before. The New Year comes and...

Family Health: Set some simple goals to prioritize your health

EACH NEW YEAR brings the opportunity for new beginnings. When crafting your resolutions, be sure...

Healthy Cook: Nature supplies tasty potions and lotions

BOGO IS A GREAT WAY TO SHOP. Anything free is a bargain in my book...

Editor’s Dose: Five habits that will help you feel (and look) better

WHEN I START to feel sluggish and stressed, there are a few steps I take...

Word of Mouth: All I want for Christmas is a better smile

A BEAUTIFUL SMILE brightens your look like a Christmas tree lights up a room. However...

Hospice Help: How to cope during the holidays

IT IS NOT EASY to deal with grief and loss at any time of the...

The Heart of the Matter: Benefits of olive oil for stopping strokes

IF YOU LOVE the Mediterranean-style diet and are concerned about the dangers of strokes, rejoice!...

Medical Advice: Resources available for people living with HIV and AIDS

AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2014, 2,107 individuals were reported as “People Living With HIV and...

Publisher’s Note: The most comprehensive medical directory for the region is here!

THIS MONTH marks a very special time of year for us at Central Florida Media...

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