Healthy Skin: Give your body a gift after the holidays — inside and out

IT’S THAT TIME of year again. Huge dinners and parties with family and co-workers, and yet dieting is on your mind. We all think it and maybe you are considering a gym membership (again). Holiday stress, late nights, and too much alcohol have all taken a toll, and you need help. You are determined that this is the year you will make healthy eating choices, but did you know that your skin can be affected by your diet? According to researchers, many popular diets can cause damage to not just your body, but also your skin.

At Central Florida Dermatology, Dr. Foster and our team knows that taking care of your skin starts with an active approach to complete wellness. At the opening of Ageless Allure MediSpa in December, owner Chrisjonna Foster, wife of Dr. Foster, said, “We now have you covered from head to toe. From skin exams to skin cancer surgery, massages and facials, we will take care of your skin.”

To continue this path toward complete body wellness, the Foster team is proud to support me as I oversee the launch of a communitywide “Biggest Loser”-style contest to help you stay encouraged and accountable. Beginning Thursday, January 7, at 6:30 p.m. and each Thursday evening thereafter, join me for health support and fun.

As the host, I’m eager to share how I lost 75 pounds and over 100 inches at the age of 49, proving that weight loss after 40 is possible. Exercise plays a very important part in a healthy body, but it is not the only factor to lowering and maintaining weight. A positive mindset and healthy eating helped, and now my goal is to run my first 5k at age 51. Now that the holidays are over, commit to your goal and give your body the gift of complete wellness.

This column is sponsored by Central Florida Dermatology.


column by LISA McCARROLL

BIO: As an administrator at Central Florida Dermatology, Lisa McCarroll wants people to think about skin care and overall health. For more about how you can achieve healthy weight, healthy skin, and healthy life all at Central Florida Dermatology and Allure MediSpa, she can be reached at (205) 222-5570.

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