Presidents Column

Pancreatic Cancer update

National Research and Local Alliance Efforts Keep Hope from Being Blown Away John Rodda was sitting...

Healthy Cook: Keep calm and cook on

There is too much going on . . . the holidays to cook for...

Pop Quiz: Are your halls decked with dangers?

‘Tis the season for health and safety, so test your knowledge to make sure your home...

Antibiotics: Fact vs. fiction

Modern Wonder Drugs Not a Cure-All Since it was used in World War II, penicillin...

Holiday wisdom for your teeth

The holidays are all about giving, but you may be getting more than you desire...

PCMA Letter: Working for your health

The Polk County Medical Association (PCMA), its members and affiliates, are constantly working for the...

Pop Quiz: Is work-related stress affecting your health?

Find out where strain at work may lurk and if the stress is helping or...

Creative ways to say ‘thank you’ to the family caregiver

Chances are, you know someone who is a family caregiver even if you aren’t one...

Solutions for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

An Ailment that’s Not Just for Computer Users Computers are frequently blamed for carpal tunnel...

Healthy Cook: Healthy work lunch ideas that won’t break the bank

Get out the old Number 2 pencil and give the lead a lick. It’s time...

Publisher’s Note: Time is running out for your listing in the 2014 Central Florida Directory

For the 2013 edition, we published the Central Florida Physicians Directory and Medical Professional Guide...

On The Pulse: Heart of Florida forges new partnership

What’s Happening: Heart of Florida forges new partnership with Nemours and other medical news Under a...

Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans Q & A

What Healthcare Agencies Need to Know By law in Florida, healthcare agencies are tasked with...

In my opinion: Experts look at trends in Florida medicine

In your opinion, what medical specialty is increasing in demand in the Florida healthcare industry?...

Simple HIPAA check list (well, sort of)

Avoiding the ‘Deer in the Headlights Look’ When it Comes to Compliance Oftentimes, a client...

PCMA Letter: My last letter as your President-Elect

At the President’s Installation Dinner on November 20, I will be officially sworn-in as your...

Publisher’s Note: Update on and enrolling for health insurance

As I’m writing this in late October, is still suffering from significant malfunctions, thus...

Ask a Nurse: Getting educated in wellness

As someone who considers herself a perpetual student, I’m a big proponent of the old...

Seven work-related issues that may affect your health

Disease saps our energy. Our productivity slips, we miss work or school, and our healthcare...

Say ‘thank you’ to the family caregiver

Chances are, you know someone who is a family caregiver, even if you aren’t one...

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