Presidents Column

On the Pulse: A growing medical community, county health rankings, and more

THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY in the region is growing, with new physicians and services for residents...

Medical Memoirs: Dr. Regina Ason’s journey to radiology

DR. REGINA ASON decided to be a doctor because of her father. Dr. Rafael Ason...

PCMA President’s Column: A few recommendations

IN THIS EDITION of Central Florida Doctor magazine, we’re focusing on several topics that affect...

Publisher’s Note: Resources from the recent National Rx Drug Abuse Summit

ON APRIL 6-9, physicians, industry experts, U.S. legislative officials, as well as scientists and researchers...

Ensuring our veterans’ surviving families get the health benefits they deserve

What physicians and medical staff need to know about dependency and indemnity compensation MEMORIAL DAY...

Editor’s Dose: Check-up for your private practice financial policy

IF YOU RUN a private practice, then you understand that a comprehensive financial policy can...

Florida’s ranking in the best and worst states for doctors

New report helps reveal Florida’s workplace advantages and disadvantages for practicing physicians WHEN EXAMINING CAREERS...

Answering the call of nursing

Local RNs talk about what it takes to provide excellent patient care SOME JOBS ARE...

Pop quiz on getting a nursing education

Test your knowledge before you join this fast-growing field THEY’RE EVERYWHERE: in schools, hospitals, in...

Healthy Cook: Springtime treats with a tropic guava twist

What would a Cuban turnover be without guava paste? Bland! Guava is a New World...

Hospice Help: Aging gracefully — it’s not just about your looks

IT SEEMS AS THOUGH wherever you look — driving on the highway, watching television, or...

Pediatric Partners: Water safety reminders for summer

WITH SUMMER almost here, families will be spending more time at the pool or beach...

Medical Advice: The battle against HPV

A CHILDREN’S CARTOON from the 1980s used to end each broadcast with the phrase, “Knowing...

Healthy Smiles: What does an oral exam include?

MANY OF US don’t think twice about the oral exam. Some people just assume that...

Publisher’s Note: Don’t let yourself or someone you know become a stroke victim

MAY IS NOT ONLY a time we honor our nurses, it’s also National Stroke Awareness...

Prevention: Senior Circle helps retirees stay active

A Q&A with Julie Sing AS WE AGE, it’s important to keep our mind and...

Editor’s Dose: Top docs — a call for nominations!

DO YOU KNOW an area doctor who provides exceptional care and service, and has gone...

PCMA Letter: ‘Thank you’ can make all the difference

AS WE ENTER the month of May, our thoughts often turn to Mother’s Day, the...

Word of Mouth: More to lose than just a tooth

MANY ADULTS will lose a tooth or have one pulled at some point in time...

Take it from a nurse who knows!

Four things you should expect during your hospital stay FROM THE TIME you arrive and...

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