Health News


  • Chill and Relax

    Chill and Relax

    Cryotherapy a Quick, Holistic Option for a Wide Range of Ailments by MARY TOOTHMAN   Cryotherapy enthusiasts can recite a lengthy and varied list of ailments, issues and challenges that may be treated with the icy cold form of holistic therapy — now available in several locations in Central Florida.  While some of us may…

  • Health Hero

    Health Hero

    Lisa Moseley’s Fundraising Prowess Brings New Visibility to Peace River Center by TIM CRAIG Lisa Moseley would likely never use the term “hero” to describe herself, but to those who know her, the word “champion” may spring to mind.  Moseley is one of the Peace River Center’s most vocal champions, chairing one of its most…

  • Open Enrollment

    Open Enrollment

    It’s Time to Evaluate Your Options and Choose the Insurance Plan That’s Best for You by TERESA SCIHFFER It’s open enrollment season for Medicare and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans. If having health insurance that covers your actual medical needs, as well as your preferred doctors and necessary medications, is important to you, then…


  • Health Hero: Kia Troutman

    Health Hero: Kia Troutman

    Heading Polk County’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Campaign a Personal Crusade for Kia Troutman Kia Troutman knows cancer. She knows how it killed her grandparents and a co-worker.  She knows what her 61-year-old cousin in Mississippi, recently diagnosed with breast cancer, is going through.  She knows how it touches the lives of African-Americans and…

  • 5 Ways to Help with Smarter Nutrition

    5 Ways to Help with Smarter Nutrition

    Polk County nutritionist at Central Florida Health Care shares how he helps patients make smarter food choices. Okay, it’s time to be honest.  When you put food on your plate, does half of your meal consist of fruits and vegetables?  If you answered “no” to this question, you’re not alone.  In fact, more than 90…

  • Oral Hygiene and Your Mental Health

    Oral Hygiene and Your Mental Health

    The connection between mental health and overall health is under-researched in the medical community, and this is true of the connection between mental health and oral health as well. Healthcare researchers agree there is a connection between oral health and mental health, but the exact connection isn’t a simple one. How Poor Oral Hygiene Affects…

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