Pop Quiz: Learn the Facts About Alzheimer’s

June is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. As the most common form of dementia, Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease that starts off with mild memory loss and eventually becomes debilitating. It affects the parts of the brain that control thought, memory, and language, and it takes a huge toll on both the sufferer and the family and friends of those with Alzheimer’s. Take our quiz to recognize the warning signs, understand the statistics, and learn about the most at-risk groups for developing Alzheimer’s.

1.) At what age do Alzheimer’s symptoms typically first appear?

  1. 40
  2. 50
  3. 60
  4. 70

2.) True or false? While the risk of Alzheimer’s increases with age, younger people may get Alzheimer’s disease, though it is far less common.

3.) Age is the greatest risk factor for Alzheimer’s. which of the following are also thought to be risk factors?

  1. Family history. Researchers believe there is a genetic component in the disease, meaning there is a greater risk if a family member has or had Alzheimer’s.
  2. Education, diet, and environment. Researchers are studying how much these factors play a role in the disease.
  3. Having risk factors for heart disease and stroke, like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Researchers believe these factors could possibly increase the risk of Alzheimer’s.
  4. All of the above.

4.) True or false? There are racial and ethnic disparities among Alzheimer’s sufferers, with 14% of African Americans age 65 or older suffering from the disease, 12% of Hispanics 65 and older, and 10% of non-Hispanic Whites age 65 and older suffering from Alzheimer’s. 

5.) Fill in the blank: As of 2014, _______ million Americans were living with Alzheimer’s, and the number is projected to be _______ million in 2060.

  1. 2 million; 8 million
  2. 5 million; 14 million
  3. 7 million; 15 million
  4. 10 million; 20 million

6.) While changes in the brain caused by Alzheimer’s can begin years before the first symptoms appear, what are common symptoms of the disease?

  1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life, like getting lost in a familiar place or repeating questions.
  2. Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work, or at leisure.
  3. Poor or decreased judgement.
  4. Changes in mood, personality, or behavioral.
  5. All of the above.

7.) True or false? There is evidence in the research of the disease that physical, mental, and social activities may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

8.) Which of the following statistics is NOT true of Alzheimer’s disease?

  1. It is one of the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States.
  2. It is the sixth-leading cause of death among US adults.
  3. It is the fifth-leading cause of death among adults aged 65 years or older.
  4. One in five Alzheimer’s sufferers gets better.


compiled by ERIKA ALDRICH / Information provided by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


  1. C. 60. Alzheimer’s symptoms most often start to appear at age 60.
  2. True. While the risk of Alzheimer’s increases with age, younger people can suffer from Alzheimer’s, though it is not as common.
  3. E. All of the above. Age is the greatest risk factor; a family history of Alzheimer’s is also a risk factor. Researchers believe that factors like education, diet, and environment, and health factors like high blood pressure and high cholesterol, also are risk factors for the disease.
  4. True. Researchers do not yet know what role race or ethnicity plays as a risk factor of Alzheimer’s disease.
  5. B. 5 million; 14 million. Five million Americans had Alzheimer’s in 2014, and projections put it at 14 million in 2060.
  6. E. All of the above. Memory loss, a decrease in cognitive function and judgement, and changes in behavior are just some of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
  7. True. Researchers believe that physical, mental, and social activities might be able to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
  8. D. One in five Alzheimer’s sufferers gets better. Unfortunately, Alzheimer’s eventually claims the lives of all who suffer from it.

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