Health News


  • Florida Department of Health Updates New COVID-19 Cases, Announces Twenty-Six Deaths Related to COVID-19, Morning Update

    Florida Department of Health Updates New COVID-19 Cases, Announces Twenty-Six Deaths Related to COVID-19, Morning Update

    TALLAHASSEE — To keep Florida residents and visitors safe, informed and aware about the status of the virus, the Florida Department of Health has launched a COVID-19 dashboard that is updated twice daily. Today, as of 11 a.m., there are 30,174 total** Florida cases. There are currently 335 long-term care facilities with positive cases of COVID-19. The…

  • The State of Florida Issues Updates on COVID-19 April 15th

    The State of Florida Issues Updates on COVID-19 April 15th

    TALLAHASSEE — The State of Florida is responding to COVID-19. In an effort to keep Florida residents and visitors safe and aware regarding the status of the virus, the Florida Department of Health will issue this update every day, seven days per week.   Governor Ron DeSantis is in constant communication with Florida Division of Emergency Management Director…

  • Our Medical Community Responds

    Our Medical Community Responds

    Healthcare Facilities Focus on Facts, Precautions by TERESA SCHIFFER There is a new “C” word scaring people these days, and we’re willing to bet you’ve already heard it – coronavirus. Everywhere you look, coronavirus, or COVID-19, is on people’s lips. While the CDC is recommending we all take precautions, such as handwashing, good household hygiene,…


  • Editor’s Dose: If you take nothing else away from Amanda’s story, remember these three things

    Editor’s Dose: If you take nothing else away from Amanda’s story, remember these three things

    IF YOU’VE READ the fitness story in this edition of Central Florida Health News, then read on. If you haven’t, then stop right here, click back to, and return to this when you’re done. There are a few key points that— no matter what your New Year’s resolution is — you can apply from…

  • Word of Mouth: Resolving to be better about dental care

    Word of Mouth: Resolving to be better about dental care

    YOU’VE LIKELY MADE resolutions to change bad habits when it comes to diet and exercise, but have you made resolutions to break bad habits when it comes to your teeth? Keeping your mouth and teeth healthy should be as important as keeping the rest of your body healthy. Damage to your teeth can be painful,…

  • Senior Care: Signs of the season to watch for

    Senior Care: Signs of the season to watch for

    THE HOLIDAYS are a joyous time when we visit senior family members who we might not see on a regular basis. For many children and grandchildren, however, it’s also a time when we might begin to see signs that our senior loved one is growing less able to care for herself, or live safely at…

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