Health News
The itching, sneezing, burning questions
Getting answers on allergy season Dr. George Lyle specializes in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery at the Barranco Clinic in Winter Haven. He often sees patients suffering from allergies. Dr. Lyle answers some questions about these sometimes debilitating problems. Central Florida Health News (CFHN): Spring can wreak havoc on people with allergies. What are…
Facts About Breast Cancer
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. To honor that I wanted to discuss some facts about a disease that still affects one in every eight women in the US. Breast cancer describes a disease whereas cells within the breast grow and multiply independently and without control. This is the basis of cancer. The degree to…
Avoid Stained Teeth with These Helpful Tips
Luz Cubero-Perez Dental Assistant, Haines City Dental Having a healthy smile is important for your overall mental and physical health. Maintaining proper hygiene goes beyond just brushing twice a day and flossing, it includes taking into consideration the foods you eat and the liquids you drink. Certain food and drink can stain your teeth and…
Macular Degeneartion (AMD)
By Neil J. Okun, M.D. Board Certified Ophthalmologist Macular Degeneration affects one in five people aged 70-84. The major risk factors for Macular Degeneration include family history, smoking, uncontrolled hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol and obesity. Nine times out of ten, macular degeneration presents as the “dry” type. In Dry Macular Degeneration, the…