Health News
Love the skin you’re in: Protect it from cancer
Sun-Safe Measures and Early Detection Make a Difference Jean Tayntor is sometimes called the Cookie Lady because of the cookies she passes around while volunteering at the Lakeland Regional Cancer Center. But 72-year-old Tayntor serves more than tasty treats— she offers hope. Tayntor is a cancer survivor. Diagnosed 10 years ago with melanoma, the most…
Aural rehabilitation for improved volume and clarity
The Next Step After the Hearing Device Volume and clarity. These are the reasons that most people purchase hearing devices. Whether you purchased a hearing aid, cochlear implant, or a Personal Sound Amplification Product (PSAP), you are looking for your hearing device to provide increased sound volume and deliver improved clarity. Hearing devices are great…
Healing Polk’s communities
New Research Points to Health Disparities Among Certain Residents How a county thrives is based on how well the citizens within the county are thriving, and Polk County has taken a big step in improving its communities’ health by determining the health needs of its citizens. Thanks to a committee of devoted health experts, the…
Editor’s Dose: We’ve got your back
In this month’s Web Exclusive Feature, we’ve got your back covered – literally. The title of February’s feature is “Get Back in Action” and talks about how to avoid back pain, which according to experts, is the second most common reason for visits to a primary care physician. There are a number of reasons…
On love and jealousy and keeping the relationship healthy
We know we should be happy if our spouse has a regular paycheck or has embarked on a successful campaign to losing weight in the New Year. But sometimes that green-eyed monster called jealousy interferes with our good feelings. Instead, we wallow in self-pity because we gave up our paying job to stay home…
PCMA Letter: Here to help you safely keep your admirable resolutions
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Everyone was eating…even the mouse! During the holidays we enjoy celebrating with friends and family. We overeat and drink more than we should. Excuses for overindulgence are as easy to find as holiday cheer. Following the holidays, either out of penance for…