Pop Quiz: Could it be premature menopause?

Is it just the after-effects of the holiday rush getting to you, or are you encountering possible symptoms of premature menopause?

It’s definitely not easy to be a woman, especially as you age.  Yet, could the unusual hot flashes, mood swings and feminine “discomfort” you are feeling be the precursor for premature menopause?  Find out today by answering our questions and learn what steps to take in preparation for this change in your physical health.

1) What age is considered typical to begin experience menopause?

  1. 50
  2. 60
  3. 40
  4. There is no set age.

2) True or False: Premature menopause cannot be caused by medical treatments, only naturally by the body.

3) What are some common symptoms of premature menopause?

  1. Mood changes
  2. Decreased sex drive
  3. Vaginal dryness
  4. Hot flashes
  5. All of the Above

4) What medical treatments can trigger premature menopause?

  1. Cancer chemotherapy or pelvic radiation treatment
  2. Hysterectomy (uterus-removing surgery)
  3. Back surgery
  4. Bilateral Oophorectomy (ovary-removing surgery)

5) True or False: When a woman has a hysterectomy, menopause will happen almost immediately.

6) What are some natural body triggers for premature menopause in women?

  1. Chromosome defects
  2. Genetics or family history
  3. Autoimmune diseases
  4. Premature ovarian failure/Primary ovarian insufficiency
  5. All of the Above

7) True or False: Women who are in premature menopause are not at risk for other health conditions.

8) If a woman is experiencing premature menopause, but wants to still have a family, what options does she have?

  1. Considering adoption
  2. Speaking with infertility specialist
  3. Donor egg programs
  4. Medical treatments such as hormone-replacement therapy
  5. All of the Above.

RESOURCE: All information courtesy of the Office of Women’s Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


Answer 1: C) 40.  The listed age from the Office of Women’s Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is 40.  If a woman is experiencing menopausal symptoms and is under this age, there is a strong possibility she is beginning premature menopause.

Answer 2: False.  Just as with menopause, premature menopause can be the result of certain medical treatments as well as the natural aging process for women.

Answer 3: E) All of the Above.  Menopause’s common symptoms are also similar to symptoms of premature menopause.  Irregular or no periods, as well as sleeping problems, are also known symptoms connected to premature menopause.  If a woman is experiencing these symptoms, she should contact her local gynecologist and seek their medical expertise.

Answer 4: All except C).  These medical treatments tamper with the ovaries and/or uterus of women, leading some to have a decrease occurrence of periods, less chances of getting pregnant, and female hormones to be lessened significantly.  These treatments can also encourage an earlier arrival of menopause symptoms.

Answer 5: False.  Medical reports have found that menopause may not happen right away after a hysterectomy, as the still-present ovaries will still be producing hormones.

Answer 6: E) All of the Above.  Genetics, chromosome defects (missing all or part of X chromosome), autoimmune diseases (where immune system attacks ovaries and stops hormone production) and ovarian-producing conditions are known menopausal triggers in the female body that can begin menopause at an early age.

Answer 7: False.  Early menopause brings about the increased risk in heart disease and osteoporosis.  Women who also have thyroid disease and rheumatoid arthritis may also have an increased risk in beginning early menopause.

Answer 8: E) All of the Above.  Just because a woman may be experiencing a stage in female development at an earlier age than expected doesn’t mean her desire for children should lessen.  Adoption, meeting with an infertility specialist and speaking with your doctor about medical treatments focused on fertility issues allows the option for a family to still be a possibility.



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