Health News
How chronic pain affects your mood
Q&A with Dr. Edward Lubin on the link between mental illness and pain that lasts longer than six months Chronic pain, which is defined as pain that lasts longer than six months, can be so much more impactful on a patient’s daily life than a seven-word description. The type of pain can vary in frequency…
Good vs. bad stress at work
How to recognize and change patterns that effect your physical and mental health Eustress (a.k.a., Good Stress) Promotion/increased responsibilities: Everyone enjoys being recognized for his/her accomplishments, and when a promotion or additional tasks are given to employees, there can be a mixture of emotions depending on the person’s current workload and personal/professional attitude. In most…
The Heart of the Matter: The most life-threatening misconception of a heart attack
WHEN THE TOPIC of a myocardial infarction arises — commonly known as a heart attack — most people think of a middle-aged man clutching at his chest in pain and then falling to the floor. Unfortunately, that image is erroneous a large portion of the time, and it’s a misconception held by many doctors and…
Medical Advice: ‘Savor the Flavor of Eating Right’ with these tips
MARCH MARKS the end of winter and the beginning of spring. It is also the time when we celebrate National Nutrition Month and turn our focus on healthy eating.
Editor’s Dose: Tips for getting the little kids to eat seafood
WHAT IS IT that makes peanut butter and jelly, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, and macaroni and cheese the universally-accepted kid food? As a grown adult who came from a non-fish house (it was rarely ever eaten under our roof as a child because my mom doesn’t like it, and she was the cook), you would…