Health News
The Golden Care Unit at LWMC
Getting gears in motion for mental health in the elderly MEDICAL ISSUES can be scary at any time or in any form, but mental health issues — especially in an elderly loved one — can be especially so. The doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers at The Golden Care Unit at Lake Wales Medical Center…
Life after delivery: Q&A with Drs. Peter Alvarez and Diana Wilson on postpartum depression
WHEN A MOTHER brings home a new baby, regardless of whether or not it’s her first child, it is a very special time. Life after delivery is an important phase when mom and baby strengthen the foundation for a bond that lasts a lifetime. But like all phases of life, there are natural stress factors,…
My ‘double trouble’ story
Being a mom of twins, I can relate to the percentage increase in twin births on a personal level. It was my first pregnancy, and I’m sure you can imagine my surprise when I discovered I was carrying more than one fetus. At 8 weeks gestation, I went into my doctor’s office for complications.…
Planning your plate for Memorial Day
Memorial Day, May 28, is a time to remember those who have given their lives for our freedom. It dates back to just after the civil war. Like Thanksgiving, it’s a time for reflection and a time to look ahead . . . and after the somber part, to look ahead to ribs, chicken wings,…
Here’s looking at you, egg
One of nature’s greatest inventions has to be the egg. Chickens (and chicken farmers) have it down to a science. A hen will lay eggs that won’t produce chicks, until Ms. Hen meets Mr. Rooster. Eggs can show up on our plates from morning to night, and just because we like them fried, poached…