Health News
Raising Awareness About Skin Cancer
The month of May is recognized as Skin Cancer Awareness month, and although it just passed, the topic of skin cancer and preventative care is relevant year-round, especially in an environment like Florida’s. As we head into the hot summer months, it is important to know the different types of skin cancer as well as…
Running For a Cause
A Look at the 2019 Fallen Heroes Memorial 5K By MARY TOOTHMAN Why would hundreds of people opt to leave their air-conditioned homes, offices, and cars to run a 5K under a blazing hot Florida sun one recent Saturday in May? We all know of runners who pound the pavement in races because they love…
Health Hero: Tonja Johnson Brings Support to Vitiligo Community
by TIM CRAIG When Tonja Johnson first saw a spot on her skin in 2011, she didn’t think much about it. It was just an age spot, according to her mother, and Johnson accepted it and moved on. Eighteen months later, in 2013, the spots had grown in number and size and she knew…
Publisher’s Note: Inspiration for the present and encouragement for the New Year
With all the changes happening to the healthcare industry in 2014, Central Florida Health News magazine is a trusted resource for how these changes are affecting our local community. We’re starting this edition with a very relevant topic: obesity. The numbers don’t lie. In our region we have a significantly higher obesity rate than the…
Healthy Cook: Sticking to diets that work
Okay folks. The fun is over. It’s time to get back to the real world. That means tightening the belt you let out a couple of notches over the holidays. Controlling weight is a year-long process and, unless there is a medical reason, is a matter of math. Calories in versus calories out. If you…
Editor’s Dose: Real change vs. empty promises
Here we are, at the dawn of a new year, and we each have an opportunity to challenge ourselves. This is the time when we resolve to let go of bad habits and become better people. Last year at this time, I didn’t want to make any empty promises. So being the editor that I…