Health News


  • The Frazzle Factor

    The Frazzle Factor

    Exploring the Link Between Stress and Heart Health by REBEKAH PIERCE If you’ve ever felt like stress is something that’s all in your head, think again. It’s likely doing much more than just making you feel overwhelmed.  Chronic stress has a sneaky way of impacting your entire body, and those impacts aren’t just limited to…

  • Survivor’s Story

    Survivor’s Story

    Alex Santiago Learns Family Is at the Root of His Heart in More Ways Than One by REBEKAH PIERCE “Listen to your heart.” That’s the advice given to practically everyone these days, it seems, from young entrepreneurs thinking about launching their own startups to high school students attempting to choose a college major. But for…

  • Good Heart Health Requires Teamwork With Your Doctor

    Good Heart Health Requires Teamwork With Your Doctor

    by RYAN MILEJCZAK Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care Heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death in the U.S., affecting more than 800,000 Americans every year. But despite this, they’re often a “silent killer,” and by the time you feel symptoms, it may already be too late. But what exactly is a…


  • Common Causes of Mesenteric Ischemia

    Common Causes of Mesenteric Ischemia

    Acute mesenteric ischemia patients are typically older and present with severe pain in the tummy, which is out of proportion to the examination. The patient subjectively describes pain in the tummy that is very severe but there is minimal tenderness elicited on physical examination. Other features will be elevated white blood cell count and acidosis…

  • Seeing Red? We Aren’t Talking About Love!

    Seeing Red? We Aren’t Talking About Love!

    by ANISA PATAIL, O.D. February is here, and Valentine’s Day is around the corner! We see red hearts everywhere as a sign for the holiday, but let’s talk about what red eyes are a sign for. There are several conditions that can cause this very common finding. Depending on the symptoms you’re experiencing, and the…

  • Inadequate Blood Supply to Bowels Causes Mesenteric Ischemia

    Inadequate Blood Supply to Bowels Causes Mesenteric Ischemia

    Mesenteric ischemia is a not very common cause of abdominal pain and occurs typically in smokers and patients who have other stigmata of peripheral arterial disease.  This can be acute or chronic mesenteric ischemia and happens due to atherosclerotic disease of blood vessels of the intestines resulting in inadequate blood supply to the bowels. This…

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