While October is well known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month it is also known as “Halloween Eye Safety Month” as observed by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Since we specialize in eyes, we felt it was best to discuss this important issue involving eye health this month.
It is vital to be aware of the dangers of using non-prescription contact lenses as part of a Halloween costume. It is becoming increasingly popular to use decorative contact lenses. There are many different types in order to make one appear to have cat eyes, lizard eyes, spiral eyes, even glow in the dark options, the list continues! However, we must caution that these decorative contact lenses can cause permanent eye damage or possibly vision loss. There is an increased risk of developing Keratitis – a potentially blinding infection that can cause an ulcer on the eye. Usually the individuals who develop this condition after using the decorative contact lenses are teenagers or young adults. It is highly recommended by the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Optometric Association to have an eye exam and a prescription for any type of contacts – even if that individual has perfect vision. Oftentimes these decorative contact lenses may be on the market illegally or packaged as “one size fits all” but not all eyes are the same and consumers of these products need to be aware of this.
A federal law issued in 2005 stated that all contact lenses are classified as medical devices, therefore distribution is limited to licensed eye care professionals. There are several types of decorative lenses that are not FDA-approved. Individuals wanting to use the decorative lenses should only purchase them from a seller who asks for a prescription or a licensed eye care professional. One can obtain a prescription by having a contact lens fitting and exam by a licensed eye care professional. The exam is to ensure proper fit of the lens to avoid vision problems that may occur by improper fitting lenses.
Contact lens care instructions are also provided at the time of the exam. An increased risk of eye infections can occur if lenses are not properly cleaned or are left in for too long. It is vital that if you notice any excessive discharge, swelling, redness, pain or discomfort from wearing contact lenses, to remove the lenses immediately and seek attention from an optometrist or ophthalmologist. Eye infections can become very serious or cause blindness if left untreated.
Keep your eyes safe at all times and especially during Halloween if you elect to use the decorative contact lenses. Our team of ophthalmologists and optometrists at Eye Specialists of Mid-Florida will gladly assist you with any of your vision needs. We have several locations to better serve you, contact us at 800-282-3937 or EYESFL.COM.
Dr. David M. Loewy is a Board-Certified Ophthalmologist specializing in Cataract & Laser surgery at the Haines City and Winter Haven locations for Eye Specialists of Mid-Florida. He is currently accepting new patients.
This column is sponsored by Eye Specialists of Mid-Florida, and the opinions expressed herein may not reflect those of CFHN or of its advertisers.