Editor’s Dose

Save the Dates!

The fall season of the Central Florida Health Expo has been quite the success, and it’s not over yet! The Expo still has one date left this year on December 9.  We received strong feedback on the November expo from exhibitors and visitors alike who said it provided a great networking experience. We have more

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See You at the Next Expo!

We kicked off the fall series of the Central Florida Health Expo’s ninth season at International Market World in Auburndale on Friday, October 14. The Expo is the area’s premier event for health-conscious adults. The weather was gorgeous and the flea market was starting to come back to life only two short weeks after Hurricane

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Topping the List

Lakeland recently found itself at the top of a list, but there aren’t too many people who are excited about it. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, the city ranks as the worst place in the south to live if you have asthma, and fourth of the top 100 metropolitan areas in

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Level Up for Florida Lakes

If you grew up playing Frogger and Pitfall on Atari as I did, I have good news! You’re officially almost qualified to swim in Florida lakes! Alligators, snakes, turtles … you’re covered. I did say “almost,” though. There are two things Atari didn’t address in a game: blue-green algae and brain-eating amoeba.    Blue-Green Algae

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