Publisher’s Note: Summer’s here and it shows in the pages of Central Florida Doctor

For the summer edition of Central Florida Doctor, we’re focusing on how physicians find the delicate balance of managing the business of medicine, providing excellent patient care, and fitting in a little rest and relaxation when it’s needed.
We’ve spoken with doctors in large clinics, doctors practicing locum tenens, and doctors who own a private practice, and they all agree that there is no “one size fits all” answer for physicians in finding this balance.
I’d like to thank Dr. Louis S. Saco, CEO of Watson Clinic and Polk County Medical Association member, who provided an exclusive Q&A with some insights on this topic. To read the Q&A with Dr. Saco, turn to page 9.
Another great story this edition is on page 28, where we tell the story of South Florida Baptist Hospital Foundation’s former Executive Director, Judy Martin. Martin is now enjoying retirement, and took some time to share her story of challenges and triumphs.
Turning our thoughts more to the business side of medicine, we have a detailed article on the legal risk of going paperless. Turn to page 7 to read how you can reduce your risk of liability when it comes to electronic medical records (EMR).
Last but certainly not least, we have a special article this edition: the R&R feature on page 5, which focuses on a floating hotel destination that anyone who needs to get away from it all can appreciate.
I hope you enjoy this special edition of Central Florida Doctor. I wish you much business success and a little summer relaxation too.

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