Why Wait for Change When You Can Be the Change?


It is the middle of the year. We are six months in and have only six months left in 2024. The plans, hopes, and dreams inspired in January are either in full force or, for many, have dwindled to a tiny spark or a burnt wick.  

Where are you on this 2024 journey? Are you nearing your goal, or have you not moved from your last destination?  

Sometimes, change has to be a determined choice — a shift of mindset that is uncomfortable and not led by emotion. At times, I believe we wait on the sidelines for something dramatic or drastic to transpire in our lives before we act. It could be a divorce, illness, loss of a job, or traumatic event that brings us to our knees. I am not saying these occurrences are invalid in their pull of getting us a “wakeup call” for change.  

But …

Have you ever thought those types of things could be avoided if we had initially moved toward change when the warning signs were blaring? How long does it take someone or something to tap us on the shoulder to get our attention? How often does the fire have to burn us until we realize we need help?  

I am not sure about you; I can only speak for myself. I’ve been down that road of “waiting till the last minute.” I’ve spun the wheel to see where the “blame pointer” lands.  I’ve been in denial so that I could justify my preservation. I’ve even kept the truth from hitting me in the gut!

But … where did any of that get me? Nowhere.

I still found myself in a miserable spot swimming in my own “you know what.”

The warning signs are always subtle. A glance, a smell, a taste of something called freedom. Then, the desire to get out of where you are becomes more robust than your present complacency. It’s at that moment that you must take a risk. A risk that brings about a change that is so powerful that it shakes every core of your being and affects those around you in a positive way.

Actual change takes place when a person begins to accept the place of the truth of where they are and sees the vision of where they are supposed to be. Actual change begins the moment light shines on the darkness of one’s mind. Eventually, this brings about an internal catapulting desire to remove themself from their wasteland and take that first step toward their purpose.

We are all given free will. We can choose to live or die. We can choose to walk in freedom or bondage. The first step toward change is to choose to believe in yourself and the purpose of your life.  

Be brave enough to believe in yourself. Take the risk of dreaming; your future will be right around the corner. 

Why wait for something to happen first? Why not YOU be that SOMETHING!!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jennifer Goodson, MA, LMHC, is a licensed clinical mental health counselor who is trained in EMDR trauma therapy with an office in Winter Haven, FL. She holds a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. For more information, visit www.pathwaycounselingservice.com.

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