What a Difference a Career Can Make

If you had asked me what I thought of the nursing profession when I was a child, I would have told you it was one of the most noteworthy professions a person could go into. (Of course, the fact that my mom happened to be a nurse may have had something to do with that.) 

Today, my answer would be the same, though I’d say it a bit more emphatically. As the population in Central Florida explodes, industries across the board feel the strain, but perhaps none more than the healthcare industry. 

And as more healthcare facilities are built in our area, I can’t help but hope today’s youth are as enamored of the profession as I was because now — more than ever — we need to make sure our youth know the importance and impact of a career in health care. 

In our cover story on page 10, you can learn what actions area nursing programs are taking to draw more students. From powerful partnerships to tuition incentives and altered transfer policies, the list of strategies is impressive. 

In the past year, Florida has made progress in the nursing shortage, and I hope we’re able to continue that trend with a steady influx of intelligent, interested, devoted, and compassionate youth. 

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