The Power of Support

It can be heart-wrenching to watch a friend or family member go through a cancer diagnosis and treatment, especially if you don’t know how to help them. 

The diagnosis affects more than their physical health. It can weigh heavily on their emotional and mental well-being, too. This was something breast cancer survivor Caitlyn Grady touched on when we spoke with her for this edition’s feature. She explained how the support of her family, neighbors, and “pink sisters” was instrumental during her journey.

Support comes in many forms, and each individual may need something different.

  • Practical Help: Everyday life can be hectic to begin with, so imagine how overwhelming it can be for those who are sick and struggling. Simple things like driving them to medical appointments, preparing meals, helping with child care, or running errands can help ease the burden.
  • Emotional Support: When times get tough, a little company can go a long way. Make yourself available to listen without judgment, be open to talking about the tough topics that most others tiptoe around, lend a shoulder to cry on, or help to focus on the positive.
  • Be the Link: Between hospital visits, treatments, and side effects, it’s easy for patients to feel isolated. Small reminders that you’re thinking of them — whether it’s a quick call, text, or visit — can remind them they’re not alone. 

There’s no right and wrong way to help, no set-in-stone rules. What you think they may need may not be the answer. The important thing is they know you’re there for them. 

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