The Importance of Breast Cancer Awareness

October brings the proliferation of all things pink, and for good reason. This month is when we turn our focus to breast cancer awareness. 

The statistics are sobering. According to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, an estimated 300,000 people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2023 alone. Roughly 297,790 of those cases will be in women, making it the most common cancer among women in our country. 

This edition delves into multiple aspects of the devastating disease, including:

  • Debunked myths about mammograms (page 7)
  • The survivor story of Nikita Lyons Smith (page8)
  • Lessons on the importance of early detection (page 9)
  • An upcoming workshop series to help survivors navigate their new normal (page 10)
  • Actions you can take to help reduce your risk (page 20)

While this edition of Central Florida Health Care works to increase breast cancer awareness this month, we’re coming off the tail end of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Inside, we capture the journey of 9-year-old Aubrey Hutson of Lakeland, who was diagnosed with stage 4 rhabdomyosarcoma two years ago and who experienced a relapse this year. Despite the health challenges she faces, she and her family remain positive and appreciative for the support from the community.

Early detection is key to the fight against breast cancer, so be sure to keep up with regular mammograms. 

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