Beat the Heat
School Guidelines, Practices Keep Student-Athletes Safe by TERESA SCHIFFER The temperatures in Central Florida can...
Protect Your Vision as You Age
By: Dr. David Loewy While aging is a fact of life that one cannot escape...
Training the Future
South Florida State College’s New Center for Nursing Excellence Takes aim at Nurse Shortage by...
Pop Quiz!
Eyesight Is an Important Part of Your Child’s Back-to-School Kit As children gear up for...
Seborrheic Dermatitis: A Complicated Name for a Common Condition
Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that causes red, scaly, itchy patches of skin...
Crucial Partnership
Winter Haven Hospital’s First FSU Psychology Interns Help to Expand Care to the Underserved Area...
Lakeland Fire Department Recognizes Citizen Hero
Lakeland Fire Chief Doug Riley recognized a local citizen whose brave actions helped rescue a...
Healthy Cook
Think Outside the Lunchbox As we breeze toward the end of a fun, relaxing summer...
August Calendar
August 1 – The Neuroscience of Stress and Wellness Series by Dr. Safia Debar 2022...
Body, Mind & Spirit
Four Forms of Free Therapy...
Ease Into Routines to Beat the Back-to-School Blues / Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care
As summer wanes and the school bell starts to beckon, this is a good time...
Anxiety Survival Tips
In a world where multitasking is not only encouraged but also considered a prized skill...
For Brighter Skin, Choose Microdermabrasion
Looking for more youthful, fresh, glowing skin? If you don’t have time to let your...
How Are AV Fistulas and Grafts Formed?
Last month, I talked about why a patient might need to undergo arteriovenous fistula surgery...
August Is Children’s Eye Health/Safety Month
Children require clear and comfortable vision to be successful in school and extracurricular activities...
Need a Mood Boost?
Supplements Make Big Claims About Mental Health, but Diet Much More Effective...
The Number to Know: 988
Suicide Prevention Hotline Adopts Simple Three-Digit Number...
Pop Quiz!
Would You Recognize the Symptoms of PTSD?...
Cultivating Hope
Initiative Hopes to Improve Access, Assistance for Farmers...
Mental Health: Bridging the Gap
Did you know that roughly 20 percent of Americans — or about 50 million people...