Looking and Feeling Your Best For The Holidays

The holidays swoop through the year end in a whirlwind of gatherings, hope, anticipation, and expectations. Are you ready for it? The season seems to creep up on us right when we’re feeling ragged from the chaos but still wanting to look our best for the family dinners and all those photos. From bright, smooth skin to energy to make that late party, we’ve got you covered.

This edition of Central Florida Health News is full of ideas to help you look and feel your best during the holidays and even the rest of the year.

Although IV hydration is not cleared through the FDA, many people are turning to it for wellness. Winter Haven’s New You IV bar, which opened earlier this year, offers mixes of vitamins and nutrients in the way of “cocktails.” Some of them include alpha-lipoic acid, L arginine, biotin, L glutamine, and magnesium. Their services extend beyond IVs to botox and dermal fillers — all under the supervision of a nurse practitioner. 

If you’re looking for a quick pick-me-up for your skin that you can do at home, our Healthy Cook feature delves into simple food ingredients that make for convenient and cheap face scrubs.

If wrinkles or sagging jowls have you down, check out our pop quiz to learn the best and safest ways to combat those signs of aging. 

Plus, don’t miss our coverage of two new hospitals that are planned for Winter Haven and Lakeland. The growth couldn’t come at a better time. Our area is booming, and that means more people in need of health care.

On behalf of the Polk County Medical Association, we wish you a happy and safe holiday season!

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