Health News


  • Taking Action

    Taking Action

    State Mandate Calls for Mental Health Education in Florida Schools  by MARY TOOTHMAN   The State Board of Education has voted to approve a new mandate that calls for specific mental health lessons to be given to students in grades six through 12. The focus will be on awareness, prevention, and reducing stigma. At least…

  • Pop Quiz: Facts and Stats about Glaucoma

    Pop Quiz: Facts and Stats about Glaucoma

    1.) Which of the following defines glaucoma? A medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision. A complex disease in which damage to the optic nerve leads to progressive, irreversible vision loss. The inability to perceive differences in various shades of colors. The loss of vision after…

  • Talking Skin Cancer Care and Prevention

    Talking Skin Cancer Care and Prevention

    by TERESA SCHIFFER Here in Central Florida, we are bathed in sunlight most days of the year. People love living in Florida because of the sunny weather, but all that sunlight comes with some risks. One risk that people need to be aware of is the risk of skin cancer. In fact, new research shows…


  • QUIZ: How well do you know Americans 50 and up? [Home & Shopping]

    QUIZ: How well do you know Americans 50 and up? [Home & Shopping]

    How well do you know what Americans 50+ are buying and using around the home?  Take our quiz and find out! 1. What percentage of adults 50+ have spent $100 or more on groceries in the past week? 22% 44% 66% 88% 2. What is the most popular car company for adults 50 and up?…

  • PCMA Letter: A closer look at the health industry and avoiding mosquito mayhem

    PCMA Letter: A closer look at the health industry and avoiding mosquito mayhem

    Inside this special edition of Central Florida Health News, we take a look at our area’s careers in health.  Inside these pages, you’ll get a glimpse of the demand for professionals in the health sciences industry in our local community; find out what it takes to be a registered nurse in this month’s Q&A by…

  • School physicals: What you need to know

    School physicals: What you need to know

    Summer is in full swing and the new school year is quickly approaching, so if your child has not had his or her Back to School Physical Exam, it is very important to schedule one soon!  Not only is it a school requirement for kindergarteners and new students, but it is also wise for a…

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