Ask a Nurse: Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law to reform the healthcare industry by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 and upheld by the Supreme Court on June 28, 2012.1

This is a sensitive subject… one that I was not going to touch. However, I’d like to use this opportunity to share some horror stories.

A 30-year-old female with no serious health conditions, has been faithfully paying ~$80/month for her individual health insurance. Around tax time this year, she inquired about the ACA to see if she could save some money. The ACA quoted her at ~$400/month! She was also recently notified that her current policy will be increasing to $140/month. Did I forget to mention that her deductible is $15,000? What’s the point in carrying insurance?

A 61 year old female with several debilitating conditions, who has been surviving on an income of merely $341/month, was DENIED care through the ACA because she was “too poor!”

A fortunate retired gentleman, who just happens to be a millionaire, was approved for the ACA. This just doesn’t make any sense…

Just last week a client went to a lab to have blood drawn. She was quoted $4,000 for a test that we at Perfect Form charge $20 to perform!

I understand the importance of carrying insurance, especially when unfortunate diagnoses and/or accidents occur. However, is it fair to penalize healthy individuals or charge astronomical prices for healthcare services?

Here at Perfect Form, we strive to provide AFFORDABLE health care. We have worked tirelessly to negotiate reduced prices from all of our lab companies and suppliers and extend this discount to our clients. It IS possible to afford good health care that actually works! I’d love to hear your thoughts… email me.



For Further Reading
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Ask a Nurse is sponsored by Perfect Form Center for Wellness & Anti-Aging.

BIO: Hollie is a critical care nurse and co-creator of Perfect Form Center for Wellness & Anti-Aging. She was awarded Nurse of Year Award for Excellence on May 9, 2014 by the Polk County Organization of Nurse Executives. For more information, go to, or call Hollie at (863) 299-9111.

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