Health News


  • Health Hero

    Health Hero

    Waiting on a Miracle Young Mother Remains Hopeful Through Battle WIth Chondrosarcoma by MARY TOOTHMAN Cliche or no, the truth is that the lovely Jessica Burton had it all — a loving husband who’s a partner in every sense of the word, work she loved as a registered nurse, and two little girls who fill…

  • Education Empowers

    Education Empowers

    Prevention Program Helps Those at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes by TERESA SCHIFFER Diabetes is a public health problem that many Americans struggle with. According to the American Diabetes Association, more than 30 million Americans have diabetes, or 9.4 percent of the population. About 7.2 million of those individuals have not even been diagnosed. It…

  • Pop Quiz: Test Your Knowledge About the Flu Shot

    Pop Quiz: Test Your Knowledge About the Flu Shot

    It’s that time of the year when the flu starts to rear its ugly head, and it’s time to get a flu shot to keep the virus at bay. The typical flu season starts around October and can last into May. You may have a lot of questions concerning the flu vaccination, especially if you’ve…


  • A PEAK Annual Wellness Visit Preserves Youth

    A PEAK Annual Wellness Visit Preserves Youth

    Are you living your best life? Staying youthful? Part of living your best life is taking care of business, health-wise. We’ve all come to know our responsibility is visiting the doctor for our regular appointments, like the yearly physical.  Now you MUST add the Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) to the Yearly Physical for optimal health. The Peak…

  • Mouth – Body Connection

    Mouth – Body Connection

    To understand how the mouth can affect the body, it helps to understand what can go wrong in the first place. Bacteria that builds up on teeth make gums prone to infection and inflammation.  If allowed, inflammation and the chemicals it releases eat away at the gums and bone structure. The result is severe gum disease, known as periodontitis. Health…

  • Eye Exams for Your Child

    Eye Exams for Your Child

    Does your child struggle with reading or schoolwork? He or she may benefit from a comprehensive eye exam. The majority of vision problems that interfere with reading and learning are easily treatable. Even if your child participated in a vision screening at their school or pediatrician’s office, he or she may benefit from a comprehensive…

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