Health News


  • Keeping Her Heart in the Game

    Keeping Her Heart in the Game

    Lake Wales Woman Works to Overcome Heart Disease

  • Where Soul Meets Body

    Where Soul Meets Body

    Yoga Can Increase Well-Being Through Meditation, Exercise, Spirituality By PAUL CATALA With roots dating as far back as 5,000 B.C. in India when the spiritual and ascetic discipline was first practiced, countless people have used yoga for health, relaxation and spiritual reasons. The trend continues today as folks continue to turn to the Hindu tradition…

  • Pop Quiz! Celebrating Cervical Cancer Awareness Month With the Facts

    Pop Quiz! Celebrating Cervical Cancer Awareness Month With the Facts

    Do you know what type of cancer used to be the leading cause of cancer death for women? The answer is cervical cancer. Thankfully, an increase in awareness and testing has led to a dramatic reduction in deaths from cervical cancer, but it is still a big enough threat that every woman should know how…


  • Oral hygiene and Heart Health

    Oral hygiene and Heart Health

    Heart health should be an aspect of personal healthcare that we are all concerned about. After all, the heart is a pretty important part of the system! As vital as the heart is to our life and well-being, the mouth is another significant part of our body that we would do well to care for…

  • Learn About LASIK and Other Refractive Procedures

    Learn About LASIK and Other Refractive Procedures

    As you decide on your new year’s resolutions and goals, you should also consider your eye health as part of those resolutions and goals. Why not make 2020, “The Year of Vision” the year you get back to seeing better. It would be the perfect time to consider LASIK or other refractive procedures to help…

  • Dental Implants Help You Look Your Best

    Dental Implants Help You Look Your Best

    Not everyone is blessed with perfect teeth. Sometimes things happen that detract from our smile. Losing one or more teeth can cause a huge hit to one’s self-esteem, in addition to problems eating and speaking. For many years, the only solution for missing teeth was dentures. However, over the last 30 years, dental implants have…

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