Health News
Pop Quiz! Are You Flu-ent on Prevention? A-choose Wisely
The holiday season approaches, but so does the gift that will not stop giving — flu season. While the influenza virus can circulate at any time of the year, flu season peaks from December to February. The flu is a serious illness that can lead to pneumonia, bacterial infections, hospitalization, or worse. Take our quiz…
Brimming With Hope
Mother of T1D Uses Cups of Hope to Raise Awareness by REBEKAH PIERCE It’s the little things in life that make it so meaningful – and for families affected by type 1 diabetes, it might truly be as simple as sharing a good cup of coffee. Katie Schmid started the Polk County chapter of Cups…
Where AI Meets Awareness
AdventHealth’s GRACE Helps With Early Detection of Breast Cancer by REBEKAH PIERCE October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and while we’ve known for many years that awareness and early detection can help save lives, it’s always been an “easier said than done” situation. Like many cancers, breast cancer is notoriously hard to detect and can…
Associate Publisher’s Column: The business of health and you
I’d like to join our Publisher and Polk County Medical Association (PCMA) President in welcoming you to the first edition of Central Florida Health News (CFHN) magazine. The partnership between Central Florida Media Group (CFMG) and the PCMA will serve medical professionals as well as consumers. You’ll see locally focused coverage on topics like…