Health News
Where AI Meets Awareness
AdventHealth’s GRACE Helps With Early Detection of Breast Cancer by REBEKAH PIERCE October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and while we’ve known for many years that awareness and early detection can help save lives, it’s always been an “easier said than done” situation. Like many cancers, breast cancer is notoriously hard to detect and can…
The Journey of a Lifetime
Bo Boyte’s T1D Experience Turned Him From a Boy Who Hid His Disease to Outspoken Advocate by RYAN MILEJCZAK For many, being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes before you can even walk might seem like a monumental life change. But for Bo Boyte of Lake Wales, who was diagnosed when he was only 13 months…
Endocrinologists Are the First Line of Defense for Diabetics
by RYAN MILEJCZAK Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care When something goes wrong with your car, a general mechanic can often address the issue. However, for more complex problems, like transmission or engine issues, a specialist mechanic is better equipped to solve the problems. Similarly, in health care, primary care physicians handle routine and preventive…
7 Ways to Save Money on Your Glaucoma Drops
Glaucoma is a group of diseases that affect the optic nerve of the eye. It is the cable that carries the information from the eye to the brain. Any damage to this optic nerve due to high pressures can damage it, resulting in lower vision or vision loss. Therefore, it is essential to treat glaucoma…
Stay strong with healthy hips
Expert care can get you there. We all hope to be able to walk, run and dance through life with healthy, natural joints. But when your hips become arthritic and painful, it’s not easy to keep moving like you used to. The good news is that hip replacement has come a long way, with advanced…
Colon Cancer: Knowledge is Power
March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. If caught early, colorectal cancer is 90 percent curable. If precancerous polyps are found during screening, the disease is often altogether preventable. New guidelines: Get screened at 45. Men and women are affected equally by colorectal cancer. For patients of average risk with no family history, it is…