Health News


  • T1D Determination

    T1D Determination

    Boy Takes Control of Diagnosis to Dream Big story by KRISTEN GUEVARA photos by TYLER DIGIOVINE A typical 11-year-old likely doesn’t prefer the company of a snitch, but for one Lake Wales boy in particular — it’s exactly what he wants.   In 2018, Weston Watson was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes — commonly referred to…

  • Pop Quiz!

    Pop Quiz!

    Are You Really Boosting Your Immune System? The news has been filled with information concerning the immune system, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic and the start of cold and flu season. The body’s immune system is a complex network of organs, white blood cells, proteins called antibodies, and chemicals that work together to protect you…

  • Men Aren’t Immune to Breast Cancer

    Men Aren’t Immune to Breast Cancer

    While men may not be the first ones to come to mind when you think of breast cancer awareness, they can still develop it. Central Florida Health News spoke with Winter Haven Hospital oncologist Dr. Hassan Ebrahim to learn more about breast cancer in men.   Health News: What percent of breast cancer occurs in men?…


  • Publisher’s Note: The 2015 Central Florida Physicians Directory and Medical Professionals Guide is here!

    Publisher’s Note: The 2015 Central Florida Physicians Directory and Medical Professionals Guide is here!

    It’s here! The fifth annual Central Florida Physicians Directory and Medical Professionals Guide is available hot off the press for all of your referral needs. We’re happy to report that we’ve gotten bigger and better. There are more physicians than ever in this directory, which means more options for you.

  • How to maintain oral health during the holidays

    How to maintain oral health during the holidays

    The holiday season is fast approaching with many distractions that might keep you from maintaining good oral health. Luckily, following a few tips can help ensure that your mouth stays in tip-top shape throughout the holidays! Up your oral care routine First and foremost, stick to your daily oral care routine. Then, to make sure…

  • The Dreaded Call: ‘Mom is on her way to the ER’

    The Dreaded Call: ‘Mom is on her way to the ER’

    The immediate questions: Why? How did it happen? How long will she be there? How quickly can I get there? She’ll be upset, especially being alone. But can I get away right now? As care managers in geriatrics and dementia care, participating in ER visits is one of our biggest strengths and helps provide peace…

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