Health News
Forgetful or Fateful?
Determining What’s Normal and When It’s Time to Seek Help by TERESA SCHIFFER Forgetting a name or where you put something is a fairly normal, if annoying, part of life. As you age, these memory slips can occur more often. After all, changes happen throughout the body, including the brain. However, occasional forgetfulness isn’t the…
Never Too Late
Doctors Weigh In on the Importance of Exercise for Older Adults by TERESA SCHIFFER Physical activity is recommended for every age group, and as we age it becomes even more important to keep our bodies moving. There are many benefits associated with exercising on a regular basis, including better diabetes control, increased flexibility and stamina,…
Pop Quiz!
Forever Smiles: Learn How Aging Can Affect Dental Health A large part of the focus on dental health is aimed at dental health in our early years—getting the basics down, creating good oral hygiene habits, braces, and so on. No doubt, it’s important to start kids on the right foot with dental health so those…
Healthy Smiles: Dental implants — a smile makeover solution
BEFORE THE DEVELOPMENT of dental implants, removable partial dentures or fixed bridges were the only alternative to replacing a missing tooth or teeth. In some cases, implants can be used to attach dentures.
Senior Living: Understanding the difference
INDEPENDENT SENIOR LIVING ALSO KNOWN as retirement communities, independent senior living communities are designed for seniors 55 and older. They commonly offer apartment-style accommodations; however, some also offer cottages, condominiums, and single-family homes. Residents are seniors who do not require assistance with daily activities or 24/7 skilled nursing but may benefit from convenient services, senior-friendly…
Editor’s Dose: Four things to help you reduce anxiety
BETWEEN WORK AND FAMILY, I think you’ll agree when I say it’s easy to feel the stress. When to-do lists are growing faster than you can cross off the items, and the midnight oil is being burned so much there is almost no oil left, it’s easy to let the pressure and anxiety get to…