Health News
Never Too Late
Doctors Weigh In on the Importance of Exercise for Older Adults by TERESA SCHIFFER Physical activity is recommended for every age group, and as we age it becomes even more important to keep our bodies moving. There are many benefits associated with exercising on a regular basis, including better diabetes control, increased flexibility and stamina,…
Pop Quiz!
Forever Smiles: Learn How Aging Can Affect Dental Health A large part of the focus on dental health is aimed at dental health in our early years—getting the basics down, creating good oral hygiene habits, braces, and so on. No doubt, it’s important to start kids on the right foot with dental health so those…
Dogtor On Call
It’s Official: Pets Can Boost Mental and Physical Health by TERESA SCHIFFER Animals have been a part of humanity’s story for as long as humans have had a story, and for much of history humans have incorporated animals into their lives as pets. Many people attest to the ways their pets bring value to their…
Word of Mouth: How to get a great smile for the New Year
SMILES ARE IMPORTANT. They say a smile can look like a million bucks or can make another feel like a million bucks … the advantages are endless. Whichever saying you choose, a healthy and beautiful smile can make you feel happier and increase your confidence. The start of the New Year is the perfect time…
Pediatric Health: Staying on schedule with your child’s vaccinations
VACCINATIONS PROTECT against many infections, including pertussis, mumps, measles, and even polio and diphtheria. Despite the fact that many of these diseases now seem archaic, it is important that your child receive vaccines in accordance with the schedule set out by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Association of Pediatrics.…
Medical Advice: Influenza A (H3) strain update
WE DO NOT LIVE in a sterile environment. There are germs all around us. In fact, you carry more germ cells on your body than human ones. Most of these germs are harmless and actually beneficial by helping us digest food and aid our immune system. However, there are others that can make you sick…