Health News


  • More Than An Occupation

    More Than An Occupation

    Notable Nurses Speak Straight From the Heart National Nurses Week has been celebrated for more than 40 years. They’re the unsung heroes of health care, yet often they are the ones who interact the most with the patients. Central Florida Health News asked our local health partners to share their amazing nurses with us so…

  • Compassion and Dedication Prevail Among Nurses

    Compassion and Dedication Prevail Among Nurses

    by TERESA SCHIFFERSponsored by Central Florida Health Care National Nurses Week is officially celebrated May 6-12, but if you talk to Tim Ward at Central Florida Health Care, you’d think it is celebrated every day. “I can brag about our nurses all day long!” he says. “We have some of the most creative and personable…

  • Pop Quiz!

    Pop Quiz!

    How Much Do You Know About Giving the Gift of Life? There is a dire need for blood donations in the U.S. as an average of 4.5 million Americans need a blood transfusion every year. The medical community relies on donations as 29,000 pints of donated blood are used every day across the nation. These…


  • Signs and symptoms: Q&A on preventing and reversing acne

    Signs and symptoms: Q&A on preventing and reversing acne

    Acne. By definition it is a condition, but by experience it is one of the most frustrating skin problems to those afflicted. Dr. William Roth is a board-certified dermatologist and spokesperson for Watson Clinic in Lakeland and a Polk County Medical Association member. Central Florida Health News asks him about acne, its causes, and what…

  • PCMA Letter: Covering more than just the surface of health

    PCMA Letter: Covering more than just the surface of health

    Do you know what the largest organ of the human body is?  If you answered, “the skin,” then you’re correct.  Our skin plays a vital role in protecting us from pathogens.  Other functions of this organ include insulation, temperature regulation, sensation, and the production of vitamin D folates. Despite its many important roles in the…

  • A time to change for the better

    A time to change for the better

    Another year has passed. It is once again time to reflect on the 12 months and look forward to the New Year. During the holidays, we enjoy celebrating with friends and family. We overeat and drink more than we should. Excuses for overindulgence are as easy to find as holiday cheer. Following the holidays, either…

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