Health News


  • The itching, sneezing, burning questions

    Getting answers on allergy season Dr. George Lyle specializes in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery at the Barranco Clinic in Winter Haven. He often sees patients suffering from allergies. Dr. Lyle answers some questions about these sometimes debilitating problems. Central Florida Health News (CFHN): Spring can wreak havoc on people with allergies. What are…


  • Publisher’s Note: We are your reader advocates

    Publisher’s Note: We are your reader advocates

    In a former life as a newspaper publisher, we sometimes had a position in the newsroom called a “reader advocate.” Our editors would rotate on this desk and some loved the assignment and some frankly hated it. Basically the job entailed taking phone calls or answering emails about this or that regarding the content of…

  • Body, Mind & Spirit: How to be a better health-nag

    Most people don’t like a nag. So when it comes to important issues like physical fitness, a bit of diplomacy is in order – especially when it involves your spouse. “If you nag they just get mad,” says Jamie Moore, a registered dietitian at Lake Wales Medical Center. “It’s more leading by example.” “Show how…

  • PCMA Letter: Be aware and take caution at the beach

      PCMA LETTER Title: Be Aware and Take Caution at the Beach   Besides the fact that June is National Safety Month, June 5-11 is our nation’s official Rip Current Awareness week. With school out and the summer season upon us, the beach will become a major hot spot for quality time with family and…

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