Health News


  • The Race of Life for Women

    A Steady Pace of Health at All Ages Dr. Eva Salamon is proud of the relationship she has with her mother. “My mother is a woman I admire greatly,” Salamon says. “She has always been a supportive, encouraging, educated woman.” Salamon says her relationship with her mother has influenced the relationship she has with her…

  • MBA in skin cancer protection

    An education in preventing and recognizing the most common form of cancer Despite prolific media coverage of the dangers posed by exposure to ultraviolet rays, skin cancer rates have steadily risen over the past three decades, making it the most common of all cancer types. William J. Roth, MD, PhD, a board-certified dermatologist at Watson…

  • Putting the pieces together

    Recognizing, treating, and supporting those in need of autistic care As a young child, Jarrett Moss was different from other children. He wasn’t learning at the same rate as his peers, and his mother, Beverly Hunter, knew something wasn’t right. Seeing differences in Jarrett, Beverly did what any mother would do — seek answers. “When…


  • Publisher’s Note: From the pyramid to the plate

    Publisher’s Note: From the pyramid to the plate

      As of June 2, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and First Lady Michelle Obama unveiled the federal government’s new food icon: My Plate. Gone is the food pyramid from 1995 and even its more modern descendant, “My Pyramid,” which displayed the concepts of variety, moderation and proportion in vertical color coding (rather…

  • Body, Mind & Spirit: How not to be your own worst enemy

      We’ve all heard it — that not-so-quiet voice in our head that says, “You can’t,” “It’s impossible” or, “You’re not good enough.” Most of us have minor battles with our inner critic during different points in our lives, but some people struggle with self-criticism on a daily basis. Unlike external naysayers in our lives…

  • Caregivers: Our extended family

    Caregivers: Our extended family

      Thursday, June 17th was the national observation of Nurse Assistant Day, which kicked-off a week of honoring all nursing assistants around the country. Nursing assistants serve under many different titles in our local homes, hospitals, clinics, schools, and assisted-living facilities. These individuals are the devoted people who in many cases are the primary caretakers…

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